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Laser Hair Removal

At Cosmetic Laser Centers℠, we proudly offer laser hair removal treatments with the LightSheer™.  This is a diode laser that removes unwanted hair by targeting the melanin in the hair and zapping it with a pulse of energy to destroy the hair follicle. Once a hair follicle is destroyed, it is unable to grow hair.

The best candidates for laser hair removal are those with darker hair since the laser targets the melanin in the hair. Dark has more melanin than light colored hair. Those with light hair color, such as blonde, gray or white , may not benefit from laser hair removal at all. It is best to receive a consultation from an experienced professional to find out if this treatment is the best option for your skin and hair type. LightSheer™ is non-invasive and can be used on virtually any area of the body including: underarms, bikini area, back, face and chest.

Several treatments are typically needed due to hair growth cycles in order to appreciate up to 80% permanent hair reduction. The number of treatment sessions needed will vary depending on the individual and his or her response to treatment. Patients receiving Lightsheer™ will notice some mild discomfort during treatment but no pain afterwards and no downtime.

LightSheer™ Laser Hair Removal Treatments Pittsburgh

Q: How does the LightSheer™ laser work?

A: The diode laser produces a highly concentrated beam of light that is easily absorbed by the pigment contained in the hair follicles. This is why blonde, red, grey and white hair cannot be treatment with laser, as these colors do not contain enough pigment to absorb the laser’s energy.

During treatment, the hair is heated and the follicle is permanently affected, impeding its ability to regrow hair. The process treats numerous, actively growing hair follicles simultaneously.

Q: Is laser hair removal painful?

A: There is some mild discomfort associated with treatment. Some areas, including the upper lip, shins, ankles, and bikini area can be a little more sensitive. However, the chilled gel used during treatment and the chilled treatment tip make the process very tolerable.

Q: How many laser hair removal treatments will I require?

A: No two patients are identical; therefore, for most treatment areas, approximately 6-8 sessions are necessary. Some treatment areas will require more and some much less. At Cosmetic Laser Centers℠ we space treatment sessions apart by 4-8 weeks.